It was a steamy summer evening…

as the crowd gathered on the back lawn of the Vincentown Library to celebrate the first ever Frog Jump, organized by Mrs Pew (aka Ms Kim).  Yes indeed, it was an evening to remember.  Registration was brisk with the number of entries topping at a grand total of 31!  Froggy, Astro, Leo, Sonic, Bunz, Beans, Bob Ross, Bob Ross Jr., and Fiona (to name just a few) were all proudly entered into the event by their Frog Jockeys.  

Enthusiasm and nervousness built as Ms Kim proceeded to explain the rules to the contestants. 

The jumps were to be measured (almost accurately) by the expert  team of Professor Bullfrog and Amphibious with their highly technical equipment.

As each contestant stepped up to the line to jump, a hush grew over the crowd. Some of the frogs had to be sweet talked into a jump by their frog jockey and others seemed to know the game and took off jumping in all directions.  Midway into the  competition a young 8 year old girl, by the name of Brynn, stepped forward with her frog Fiona, clasped in her hands.  Upon setting Fiona upon the starting point, the crowd gasped!  No Bull!  This frog Fiona, was easily 10 times the size of all other contestants!

Well, the results were tallied and there’s probably no reason to reveal the winner of the farthest jump…

Thanks to Mrs Pew (aka Ms Kim) and the Southampton Girl Scouts and the able crew registering, measuring and tallying the competition.

Medals for longest jump in under 6 age group; over 6 age group and a medal awarded for the longest 1st recorded jump (both age groups included)

Alex & Buns (Longest combined jumps under 6 (**55 inches)
Brynn & Fiona: Longest jump in the over 6 age group (**96 combined inches!!)
Storyteller Easton
Storyteller Isaac

Such a great evening! 

All frogs were promised to be returned to their homes to tell the story of their participation in the first Vincentown Library Frog Jump!

Frogs, Frogs, Frogs…

This week is all about Frogs at the Vincentown Library. Miss Kim will be back with her Wednesday Story hour featuring FROGS and a FROG craft.

Wednesday evening HOPefully, FROGS will be hopping at the FROG jumping contest!

AND our Thursday group of artists will be painting FROG rocks!

Be sure to stop by the library this week to see what’s HOPPING!