October beginnings

It looks like our weekly story hour has become an outdoor event! Ms. Kim and the story hour crew have created a great little scarecrow scene for the Burlington County Scarecrow Contest. 

Ballots are available at the Smithville Mansion – 

Vote for #8 

The Sally Stretch Keen Library (Vincentown Library)

Storytime is Wednesday morning at 10:30 am. Give Ms. Kim a call to let her know you’re coming!

Another art show in the books!

We sold a record 22 paintings! Thank you to the artists who once again created wonderful art celebrating our town, and to everyone who came out to support them and our library. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. The Vincentown Garden Club, as always, did a great job with floral arrangements to make the library even more beautiful. And a special thank you to Nancy Gower, who not only is a wonderful artist but also a great friend of the library. She curates and arranges a beautiful show, year after year. One final thank you, to trustee Debbie Hodgson; we could not do the show without you!

And don’t forget the Brick Campaign!

Stop by the library to pick up a form or complete online.

As always thanks for your continued support!